Is AG Barr Assisting Mueller?
Today, 11 Apr 19, I am reading news reports, along with political blogs and Twitter threads e.g. #BarrCoverUp. I find lots of irrational Trump hatred accusing US Attorney General Barr of illegally protecting the President from Russian collusion and obstruction of justice jeopardy. While virulent anti Trump animus is impressively passionate from within this strange world of left wing media, I find no credible evidence of such of illegal behavior on Barr’s part. He seems to me to be confident, intelligent, informed and behaving in a way consistent with a life of ethical government service upholding the law.
However, I do think Barr may be allowing someone to avoid public disgrace, if not prosecution. Barr may have given his trusted friend and colleague Bob Mueller a heads up. Something akin to: “Write your report, get outta town buddy. The going is gonna get tough”
In a polite exchange with the Democratic Senator from New Hampshire, Mrs. Jeanne Shaeen, Attorney General Barr stunningly confirmed what conservatives have been claiming about “The Deep State” since President Trump began running for office. Barr said “spying did occur” on the Trump campaign. Such a statement is not actually breaking news. Right wing news outlets have reported on the sketchy genesis of the Mueller investigation for over a year now, presenting credible evidence of government spying and interference with the Trump campaign morphing into an attempt to remove Trump from office after he won the election. This is not gossip.
If you get your news from popular media other than Fox News you are uniformed. What I call The Blue Church Media did not cover stories about how FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, lead agent in Mrs. Clinton’s email investigation and, initially, Robert Mueller’s investigation, conspired to clear Hillary and frame Trump.
After firing FBI Director James Cooney, President Trump rejected Robert Mueller as Cooney’s replacement. One week later Mueller was appointed as a Special Council to investigate, amongst other things, why Trump fired the FBI Director whose job Mueller wanted, and did not get.
The Democratic National Committee paid for a dossier concocted by a Trump hating British spy Christopher Steel. The FBI presented Steel’s unverified dossier to judges tasked with the responsibility to grant permission for wiretaps and other legal spy operations. Steel has since testified in British Parliament that his dossier was largely fiction. The FBI and the Justice Department, however, continued using the fictional document to justify spying on a presidential campaign. The spying permission was renewed several times without the FISA judges ever learning the document was produced and paid for by the Democratic National Committee to elect Hillary Clinton.
There is more damning evidence of an attempt to overthrow a US President, lots more, easily discovered with a little effort. Politics are dirty. Actors from within the government seek to disparage their opposition all the time. And the FBI has spied on US citizens illegally in the past as well. But the effort to remove an elected president from office by means of government intrigue is nothing short of an attempted coup. The coup was unsuccessful. I do not think Barr is protecting Trump. I think he gave his old friend a back door out of what will be a messy purge of The Swamp.