AOC’s Reputation Beyond New York
The lovely Ms. Ocasio-Cortez became a popular media celebrity for a number of reasons. However, the young congresswoman’s uninformed, social and political views are mostly fodder for conservative media. Fox News has run daily stories about her for months now. Clearly, they believe Ms. Occasio-Cortez helps her political opposition simply by being herself. And sadly, she probably does. However the following conversation underscores that while the young lady is currently experiencing lots of media attention — hell, I’m writing about her for clicks too — I do not think many folks take her all that seriously.
The following is recreation of an actual conversation between two American men aged fifty-two and sixty-nine. Both men are US expats living in Asia, liked Obama, did not vote for Trump but now like him because he’s getting things done.
The general topic was how the US congress uses hearings and investigations as political tools to attack opponents.
Charlie: Have you heard of the complaint about, what’s her name, the new congresswoman from New York behind the Green New Deal?
Ed: Cortez, Allisa or Allison, something like that.
Charlie: Alexandria!
Ed: Yeah, that’s it, Alexandria, I heard they found some kind of campaign finance stuff on her, right?
Charlie: It’s bullshit.
Ed: How so?
Charlie: It looks like someone’s fishing for a way to harass her, tracking donations through different PACs and corporations she holds. It’s complicated stuff. Maybe there is something there, I don’t know. But it looks like a BS political attack from her opposition.
Ed: She’s got a lot of opposition. She seems a little nuts.
Charlie: What do you think of her?
Ed: I’d fuck her.
Charlie: I was wondering what you thought about her socialist political ideology.
Ed: Trump loves it. If the Dems go radical left, Trump will win in 2020.
Charlie: I think he’s going to win anyway. The Russian thing is falling apart, just another BS investigation to harass the opposition. Both sides do it. Remember Benghazi? Hillary lost the presidency to the host of The Apprentice and that was the end of Benghazi. The media loves it, plenty of clickbait.